1.73 人
36.2 歲
54.4 %
82.8 年
1 ‰
2 千人
5 千人
3 千人
0 千人
5.5 ‰
1 ‰
29.6 %
24.8 %
Icelandic 81.7%, Polish 5.6%, Danish 1%, other 11.7% (2020 est. by CIA)
Icelandic, English, Nordic languages, German
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland (official) 62.3%, Roman Catholic 4%, Reykjavik Free Church 2.7%, Hafnarfjordur Free Church 2%, pagan worship 1.4%, Icelandic Ethical Humanist 1.1%, other religions 4% (includes Zuist and Pentecostal), none 7.6%, other or unspecified 15% (2021 est. by CIA)